Wednesday, February 6, 2008

About The Author.. [;)]

Ahaa......Bloggies be aware, I 2oo have joined your bloggers family and finally got some time to write about me. Not an easy one of course.Truly speaking, we can talk about anything any time but when it comes to our own selves we definitely search for words. One day, after hearing a lot from Avinash about blogging I sat on my PC for Ribbon Cutting of my own blog. Nearly it took me around 6 months or may be more to put up my first article. The reason being, I wanted to write about myself. Over this long period, my stupid brain did a lot of research work (!! which we at this University are quite used to ;)!!) & came up with an interesting result.
I can compare myself as a KISSAN mixed fruit jam. Hey, hey one second, don't start scratching your heads. Anyways, I know there's nothing there. I'll explain. I feel that I do have all the qualities in me which come up at times. To start with,
1.Bit friendly sometimes n a bit not.
2.Superstitious sometimes and sometimes not.
3.Studious at times and sometimes not.
4.Love playing games but to a little extent.
5.Keen at listening to someone sometimes and sometimes not.
6.Interest in listening to songs and watching movies but not that much.
7.Hardworking many times but lazy sometimes.
8.Can speak good English but needs to be improved.
9.Dare devil sometimes but frightened of many things (Don't laugh: but am still afraid of ants and rats).
10.Others can find me interesting and boring too.
11.Love roaming with friends but also like being at home.
12.Sentimental too but only sometimes.
13.Laugh a lot but also weeps at times.
14.Have interest in spiritual things but not too much.
15.Hate waiting for anything but still waiting 4 someone.

p.s: All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without my prior permission.;)

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